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Tips For Fixing Limited Access Of Wifi Within Few Minutes

Tips For Fixing Limited Access Of Wifi Within Few Minutes

In past it was not so easy to deal with different problem rising in the computer or in any other computer device. For every small issue you were required to call an expert, well that was expensive as well as time taking. With the passage of time everything has changed you can do it by yourself only using your searching skills. Yes, you can fix any problem but you need to search online for it and within few minutes you will able to deal with the problem by yourself.
One of the problems that you might have faced in your life to or you are still facing is limited access of Wifi. How does it feel when your work suddenly stops just because of this issue? NO worries, to resolve this problem you need to be a little calm and search out what is the main reason of this limited access. Get it done right now. Here are some tips that are going to be very helpful when you are having limited access of Wifi in different circumstances:
Limted wifi access

Fix Your Limited Access of Wifi in Windows 8

If you are having limited access to Wifi and you are using windows 8 then there is a simple solution for it. You can fix it up by waking up the adapter in the windows. It happens as sometimes your computer start showing limited access because your connection goes to sleep. Here is few steps follow them and your problem will be resolved:
  1.   Firstly you need to open network and sharing center, if there is a shortcut of control           panel opens it from there.
  2. Then select the wifi network and click on its properties.
  3. Now click on the configure button and after that power management . 
  4. After the above step you will see a message will pop up to allow the computer for turning    off the particular device and save power. Uncheck this option and your problem will be      resolved.
   This is not it. There might be some other reason because of which your PC is showing limited access.    Here is another reason of this issue and it solution: 

Fix Your Limited Wifi Access by Using Netsh.exe in Windows 8
One of the best ways to fix it is by using netsh.exe. Here are steps which will give you complete guidance about it:
  1. Firstly, you need to open the command prompt with the rights of administrator. There is also another option of using windows key to open the command.
  2. It will take only few seconds to open it. Actually it depends on the speed of your computer; you need to wait instead of pressing the button again and again.
  3. Now you need to enter the command “nets hint IP reset C:\resetlog.txt”and press enter.
  4. After the command, you need to restart your computer. 

After the last step you will be able to connect with the wifi without  any issue.
Hope"Tips For Fixing Limited Access Of Wifi Within Few Minutes" will help you.

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